Friday, June 8, 2007

Personal bio

I am a freelance journalist, based in Stockholm, Sweden. I have previously worked with media related research in political science and economics, both in Sweden and in the U.S.

I write articles (about current affairs, news analysis and social science) for Swedish and English magazines as well as news blogs. Some of my English pieces can be found among the links on the left side of the page: My interview with former Bush speechwriter David Frum and Clinton economic adviser Robert Shapiro can be found (here), and one of my reviews (about media studies literature) can be found (here).

To contact me, write to: JNilssonpot [at]

Academic background

Ph.D. Candidate, Political Science (Lund University).
Visiting fellow, Institute for Humane Studies.
Visiting scholar, Center for Public Choice, George Mason University.

Professional background

Associate editor, Axess Magazine (2007)
Editorial writer, Svenska Dagbladet (2000)
Columnist, Kvällsposten (1997-2000)
Editor, Smålandsposten (1997-1998, 1999, 2000)
Editor-in-chief, Svensk Linje (2000-2003)
Editorial secretary, Svensk Linje (1997-1999)